John Wayne Airport Construction Management

John Wayne Airport

John Wayne Airport Pavement Maintenance & RepairJohn Wayne Airport (JWA)PROJECT OVERVIEW Construction Management and Inspection services for the airport wide pavement maintenance and repair program at John Wayne Airport.  Assisting in project management, coordinating scheduling, quality assurance/quality control, and final documentation of all work performed.

91 Freeway Construction Management

SR 91 Toll Road

SR 91 Toll Roll Corridor ImprovementVINCI HighwaysPROJECT OVERVIEW The SR-91 Corridor Improvement Program, better known as the SR-91 Toll Express Lanes, added regular lanes, tolled express lanes and connections.  It also improved interchanges, bridges, ramps and local streets.  JOA Group provided the Project Management component of the multi-disciplinary team for the SR-91 system s integration of the Electronic Tolling and …

OC Courthouse

Orange County Courthouse

Orange County CourthouseCounty of Orange PROJECT OVERVIEW Since 1999 JOA has provided project management services for the County of Orange’s Public Works, Parks, and Real Estate departments.  Capital improvements and rehabilitation projects have included historic buildings such as the OC Courthouse.  Due to the historic nature of many sites, scope of work has included repair and/or replacement of building interior/exterior …

Los Angeles Courthouse JOA Construction Management - Riverside County Sheriff

Riverside County Sheriff

Strategic Capital Planning Solution North County LocationsRiverside County Sheriff OfficePROJECT OVERVIEW Analysis includes the collection, qualification and presentation of data and capital plans approximately 801,677 GSF through two Detailed Assessments including a walk-through inventorying all interior, exterior, and mechanical assets for designated facilities.